ICMB Directors

Jeff Scates, Chair


Jeff farms 15,000 acres of corn and soybeans with his father, uncles and cousins in Gallatin and White Counties in Illinois and Union County Kentucky. There are 11 family members involved in the farm overall. He lives in Shawneetown and is married to Christina. Together they have two children Drew and Wyatt.


Jeff began working on the farm from a young age. After graduating from Gallatin County High School he earned a Bachelors Degree in Political Science from Southern Illinois University. Upon graduation he returned to the family farm. The farm incorporates no-till into their operation as a way to promote good soil health.

He was elected to three terms on the Illinois Corn Growers Association, serving as president during the drought in 2012. Due to his leadership skills, he was elected in 2019 to serve on the Illinois Corn Marketing Board.