IL Corn Welcomes Shelby Barnhart as Summer Marketing Intern
IL Corn is thrilled to welcome Shelby Barnhart as the Marketing Intern for the summer of 2024. Shelby is a senior at Illinois State University studying International Business and Political...
MoreChicagoans Learn How Corn is a Solution to Global Challenges At June Event
IL Corn will be helping our neighbors in Chicago understand how the corn growing in Illinois fields can be a solution to global challenges at the White Sox Run Your Sox Off 5K on June 22. A...
MoreStatehouse Update: Carbon Capture Law Delivers Opportunity for Ethanol & Protects LandownersÂ
As the legislative session adjourned this week, lawmakers in Springfield passed legislation that creates strong regulations for carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) projects in Illinois. IL Corn...
MoreIllinois Commodities Request Ag Trade Protection
Earlier this week, the Illinois Corn Growers Association (ICGA) and four other state commodity organizations called on Illinois’s congressional delegation to grow export opportunities and protect...
MoreCarbon Capture Law Delivers Opportunity for Ethanol & Protects Landowners
MoreHouse Farm Bill Needs More Compromise as Conversations Continue
BLOOMINGTON, Ill. – Today, upon hearing that the House Agriculture Committee passed a farm bill late yesterday, IL Corn Growers Association (ICGA) President Dave Rylander, a farmer from Victoria,...
MoreUSDA Awards Additional Millions to Build Agriculture Exports
This week, the U.S. Grains Council received notice of additional funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture under its Regional Agriculture Promotion Program (RAPP). The award will disperse...
MoreIllinois Agriculture Collaborates to Make an Impact
Illinois agriculture worked together this week magnifying farmer voices on a collection of topics. Supporting the Livestock Industry Farmer led organizations signed a letter supporting...
MoreGlobal Markets Fuel Illinois: 3 Trade Facts You Need to Know
International trade drives the United States economy. The United States is the second largest exporter in the world and thrives with access to export markets. As we celebrate May as World...
MoreMeet Grace May: Legislative Intern 2024
Grace is from Princeton, IL and is a rising senior at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She is currently studying Agriculture and Consumer Economics with a concentration in Public...
MoreCorn Growers Focus on Opening Markets, Enforcing Trade Agreements
It’s an evening we all remember in the Washington office of the National Corn Growers Association and is now a familiar war story that is brought up often at our gatherings. On a cold February...
MoreMeet Leanne Casner: Veteran, Farmer, and Advocate for Ag
In Leanne Casner’s eyes, military training didn’t hold a candle to her life growing up on a dairy farm. A veteran farmer, her love for the United States, agriculture, and consumer education...
MoreA Farmers Guide to the GREET Model
The Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory’s GREET model is catching the eyes of not only airlines and policy gurus, but also midwestern corn farmers. The model is critical to...
MoreIL Corn Announces Scholarship Recipients
IL Corn proudly announces the recipients of its 2024 scholarships, marking another successful year in supporting the next generation of agricultural leaders. "Entering our second year, we...
MoreNew GREET Model Will Limit Availability of Cleaner Jet Fuel in the Short Term
Illinois corn farmers are very concerned by the announcement from the U.S. Department of Treasury (USDOT) limiting corn-based ethanol's contribution to the decarbonization of the aviation...