Jul 15, 2011  |  Today's News

The 2011 Corn Fact Book is now available online and printed copies are available from the Illinois Corn Office.

The Corn Fact Book was first published as a complement to the Corn Farmers Coalition work that was primarily targeted to Washington, DC. It’s designed to be used by a non-farmer audience.

Featured on the cover are the Scott Stirling Family, from Martinton, IL.

The beginning of the Corn Fact Book goes like this:

“Through innovation, technology, and hard work, America’s corn farmers are producing record crops. This allows them to satisfy all the traditional uses of corn plus help the United states build a growing portfolio of renewable products that utilize corn as a feedstock.”

The book is filled with attractive, full-color photos of America’s family corn farmers. These are the same families that are featured this month in Washington, DC, as part of the Corn Farmers Coalition ad campaign.

The Illinois Corn Marketing Board started what became known as the Corn Farmers Coalition a few years ago. The program is now funded with corn checkoff dollars from corn farmers in 14 states, including Illinois.