Becky Finfrock
There’s no shortage of urban legends out there about ethanol. Unfortunately, these myths are becoming ‘facts’ in the minds of too many influential people. Perception is reality for most, regardless of facts. Influencing perception, then, is a key to influencing people, and therefore policy.
With regard to ethanol, the myths about this homegrown, renewable fuel, took root early and deep. That doesn’t mean that groups like IL Corn aren’t working to clear up the misconceptions. IL Corn Marketing Board has consistently invested your corn checkoff dollars to provide the research and data necessary to undermine the myths. And the IL Corn Growers Association then takes the groundwork provided with the research and advocates for policy improvements and changes.
ICMB has worked with Dr. Steffen Mueller of the University of Illinois-Chicago, on the myths regarding indirect land use change. Dr. Mueller is now recognized as a leading expert on this topic. Recently, Mueller completed additional work that further debases claims against ethanol.
Mueller and his research partner identified lands that were suitable for increased biofuels production while holding harmless forested lands and other environmentally sensitive areas. Mueller’s research clearly concludes that there is plenty of land available for biofuels production without negatively impacting forested lands in the U.S.
This is good news for ethanol. It’s bad news for the guys that like to spin nonsensical stories about this nation’s only commercially viable alternative to petroleum.