Lindsay Mitchell
Today in Washington, DC, a letter is circulating among members of the House of Representatives regarding the Farm Bill. Cong Bob Gibbs of Ohio has written a letter that urges the House Ag Committee to reach a compromise agreement with the Senate Ag Committee in order to have a farm bill ready. If a “fiscal cliff” package is advanced before the end of the year, the farm bill – if it’s ready – can be included.
Contacts were made early with Congressman Tim Johnson and Congressman Bobby Schilling, the two members of the Illinois Congressional Delegation that sit on the House Ag Committee, asking for their support. Both understand the need to get a farm bill passed before the end of 2012 and consider it a priority.
The rest of the Illinois Delegation has also been contacted and asked to sign the letter by Congressman Gibbs, urging the House Ag Committee action. As of 4 pm today, Congressman Aaron Schock had co-signed the letter, joining our Farm Bill Now push.
Passing a farm bill before the end of 2012 is one of ICGA’s top priorities. We know that you need certainty as you prepare for the 2013 crop year and are frustrated that you have not been able to count on Congress to deliver a farm bill. We also know that funding for a new farm bill, should it slide into 2013, will be significantly less than we have to work with today. The farm bill funding as it stands today is $14 billion dollars less than it was in 2008. Another substantial cut would be crippling.
See the letter being circulated by Cong. Gibbs Link to here.