Becky Finfrock
We are calling on all students to channel their "inner Spielberg" and create a video highlighting agriculture. All high school and college students are eligible to submit a short video (2 minutes or less) into the Shoot it Straight Video Contest.
Completed application must be received no later than 11:59 PM on August 5, 2013.
Active high school (grades 9-12) and college students, individually or collectively, who are legal residents of the 50 United States or the District of Columbia, are eligible to submit entries. One $2,000 grand prize award, one $1,000 second place award, and one $500 third place award will be issued. Each award will be issued as one lump-sum payment, i.e., no multiple distributions of winnings. Students from all scholastic backgrounds/majors are eligible to enter, individually or through organizations, e.g., A/V classes, Ag Clubs, FFA, Science Clubs, Art Classes. Employees of Sponsors, their agents and the immediate families and those living in the same household of each are not eligible to win. Appropriate tax on the awards will be the responsibility of the winners.
Video Requirements/Specifics
· All completed videos should be 2 minutes or less in length and may not contain copyrighted material, e.g., music from known artists or copyrighted graphics.
· Video format and size must follow the video upload guidelines for There is no limit on the number of submitted videos that an individual or team may enter.
· All finalists will be required to sign a release for use of their images, voices, or content used in completed videos.
· Videos should be positive in tone and highlight agriculture, extra points for emphasis on corn. Videos should be in one of the following categories: ethanol and the environment, locks and dams and exports, farmer imaging, nutrients/regulations, and other.
· Judging will be based on multiple criteria including but not limited to: creativity, impact, video design/editing, general appeal.
Content Requirements
· Sponsors will be looking for a fresh, original and convincing approach that persuades the viewer of the positive impact agriculture has on the state of Illinois, the United States and the world.
· Any language appearing in the video must be in English.
· Video must be tasteful, intended for family audience and not contain any nudity, disparaging, libelous or inappropriate content.
Material Use and Ownership
· All submitted videos will become the sole propriety of the Illinois Corn Growers Association and the Illinois Corn Marketing Board.
· Videos must not use any material that is proprietary to a third party or otherwise protected by intellectual property laws.
Content Specifics and Voting Period
· All submitted video will be subject to final review by the Sponsor before being posted on YouTube.
· From all entries submitted, three videos will be selected as finalists by a panel of judges. These three finalists will be notified by August 12, 2013 and the winning video will be determined by the number of times each of the finalists videos is voted for during the voting period, starting August 12 and ending August 29 th, 2013.
· All three finalists will be featured in the IL Corn tent at the Farm Progress Show in Decatur, IL August 27-29, 2013.
· All three finalists will win a cash prize and will be determined by the open voting process on YouTube.
· Grand Prize: $2,000 Second Prize: $1,000 Third Prize: $500
Sponsor: Illinois Corn Growers Association, 14129 Carole Dr. Bloomington, IL 61705
Questions regarding the ICGA “Shoot it Straight” Video Contest may be directed to
For complete rules, click here. An application can be found here.