Tricia Braid
Illinois Corn Growers Association is holding a telephone town hall meeting on Thursday, January 23 at 5:15pm that is open to all. The town hall meeting will discuss the threat to the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) and ethanol. You’ll also learn how you can fight back against Big Oil and the petroleum industry.
You will most likely receive a telephone call from the IL Corn phone number (309) 557-3257 sometime later today with the information about the call. Tomorrow night at about 5:15, you’ll get another call. Hold the line and you will be connected to the town hall meeting. Senator Dick Durbin and Renewable Fuels Association President CEO will join ICGA President Gary Hudson on the call.
If you do not receive a phone call but wish to join, call 877-229-8493 with pin code 13603. Please connect to the call if we place one to you and only use the dial-in if you don’t receive a phone call.
Calls will only be made to home phones. If you do not have a home phone and wish to participate in the call, you will need to dial in from your cell phone.
Illinois farmers have submitted nearly 700 comments to the EPA docket and made hundreds of phone calls to Congressional and Senate offices. BUT WE NEED MORE COMMENTS AND PHONE CALLS. This is a numbers game. With Big Oil telling your friends and neighbors that ethanol raises food prices and ruins engines, it’s more important than ever that you participate with the truth!
Find out more at