Tricia Braid

Jan 24, 2014  |  Today's News

You’ve done your job. You contributed to the largest corn crop EVER on record. Are you ready to lose another 20 to 40 cents off each bushel of corn? That’s the likely outcome if the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency plan is approved by the White House. So who you gonna call? Senator Durbin, Senator Kirk, and your Congressman, that’s who. Illinois Corn Growers Association has four easy steps for you to follow to fight back against the EPA plan and to preserve your corn markets.

You only have a few days left to make sure that Congress, the White House, and the EPA hear your opposition to the plan to limit ethanol in our nation’s gasoline supply. 855 comments from Illinois have been submitted. Submit yours today!

Did you miss the telephone town hall that IL Corn held last night?  Tens of thousands of Illinois farmers were invited and thousands joined the called. Click here to listen and get up to date.

DON’T DELAY! Go to and click the button to submit your comments to EPA. Call your Congressman or Congresswoman and ask that they call the White House and urge the Obama Administration to reject the EPA plan. Call Senator Durbin and Senator Kirk and ask them to do the same thing. WE MUST SHOW UP IN LARGE NUMBERS ON THIS ISSUE.

Tell them, “Don’t mess with the RFS!”

Again, all the information you need can be found at, or go directly here to submit comments.

When you submit your comments through the automated system, MAKE SURE YOU ADD AT LEAST TWO SENTENCES THAT ARE PERSONALIZED TO YOUR FAMILY, YOUR FARM, AND YOUR COMMUNITY. That makes the EPA have to consider you comment as unique, and not lump it in with all the general form letter comments.