Becky Finfrock

Mar 17, 2014  |  Today's News

The following is a statement from National Corn Growers Association President Martin Barbre.

“Last week, Rick Tolman shared with the NCGA Corn Board his desire to step down as chief executive officer of NCGA at the end of September.

“Rick has been a tireless advocate for corn farmers and our organization. However, Rick told us – as much as he loves representing our way of life – he is ready to enjoy more time with his wife, Linda, and their five children and eight grandchildren, and other pursuits. As he said it, we all put off things until ‘someday,’ and, for him, ‘someday’ has finally come, after 14 years of service to the organization and a 37-year career in agriculture.

“While we are certainly happy for Rick and his family, it was with great trepidation that we heard the news initially. Change is hard for some to accept. Once we all realized that we could not talk Rick out of his decision, we offered him a hearty thank you for his dedicated service. Rick is definitely riding into the sunset on a high note.

“We all want to leave things better than we found them, and Rick can certainly be proud of his legacy at NCGA. As we look forward to the next chapter in professional association management, I want to assure NCGA members, affiliated state organizations and other stakeholders that NCGA has a sound, methodical process and plan in place for an orderly CEO succession. While this year will be one of transition, it will not be one of turmoil. Rick Tolman will be our CEO until Sept. 30.

“I will soon be announcing members of a CEO Search Committee, and we’ll share additional details as they become available.”

Click here for a biography of Rick Tolman.