Tricia Braid

Nov 14, 2014  |  Today's News

Thomas Titus, a grain and hog farmer from Central Illinois, joins several other farmers from across the country as part of the second class of Faces of Farming and Ranching, a program of the U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance. The class will be active participants in the national dialogue about food production and set the record straight. These farmers and ranchers will share their personal stories and experiences through consumer-facing public appearances, events, media interviews and social media.

Thomas Titus’ family established Tri Pork in March of 1962 with 240 acres where grain and livestock were produced by one family. Today the farm supports four families, three full-time employee families and two part-time employees with hopes of bringing back the sixth generation to the farm. The farm consists of 1,550 acres of corn, soybeans and hay along with a 750 sow farrow-to-finish facility, 45 head cow/calf herd along with 15 chickens and 20 goats. Thomas primarily focuses on the operation’s pork business where they market 12,000 pigs annually to Farmland Foods. In addition, the farm has 50 sows in the herd for show pig production, sale and exhibition to allow his children the opportunity to engage in 4-H and FFA.

“Becoming a Face of Farming and Ranching is very exciting for our farm family. Every farm has a unique and diverse story and being able to share the story of our multi-generational, diversified farm is something we are extremely passionate about. By sharing our story we hope to begin to reconnect with our consumers outside of our local area and help provide reassurance that growing a safe, secure and wholesome product for their family and ours is top priority.” 

“As each generation walks through the aisles of the grocery store beginning to question how their food is being produced, as a Face of Farming and Ranching I want to be that connection back to the family farm, the man in the seat of the tractor to help answer their questions and reassure our consumers that environmental sustainability and animal welfare are our very top concerns. At the same time, inspiring that next generation of Agvocate in not only my own children, but reaching out to youth on a larger scale to share the importance of telling each and every unique farms story.” 

“As a Face of Farming and Ranching I'm most looking forward to being able to make a greater impact with those that are making the food purchasing decisions and bridging that gap between the millennial and the meat counter. As consumers only become further removed from their agricultural roots telling agricultures great story is very important not only for our farm today, but most importantly the next generation of farmers.”