Lindsay Mitchell

Jan 13, 2015  |  Today's News

It’s true, you can’t believe everything you hear on Facebook.  But recently, IL Corn has found a network of thoughtful, scientific pages that are sharing valid (and sometimes humorous) information. 

The following post in particular was something we just had to share.

Given that Monsanto is relatively miniscule in terms of gross revenue, it does seem unlikely that they would have the influence to buy off hundreds of thousands of scientists when the oil industry can’t do the same thing.

And on another note, does this graph cause anyone else to see why they fight so hard against ethanol?

Thanks to the Credible Hulk for this thought provoking post.  Please, go “like” him on Facebook right now.

The overwhelming preponderance of scientific evidence suggests that GMO foods are no more dangerous or less nutritious than their corresponding non-GMO counterparts. In regards to the disturbingly popular (albeit unsupportable) notion that biotech companies like Monsanto have somehow bought off nearly every major scientific organization in the world to accept the consensus that the current varieties of GMO foods are as safe as their conventional counterparts, consider the following: 

ExxonMobil makes more than 26 times more money than Monsanto, and has a higher net profit margin, too. Combined, the country's top 5 oil companies have a gross revenue exceeding $1.3 trillion, more than 87 times Monsanto's revenue, and yet they still can't get the world's scientists to say that global warming isn't real.

If the oil companies can't buy a conspiracy of scientists, how can a comparatively minuscule company like Monsanto manage it? Spoiler alert: They can't, and they don't. Yet, all the following reputable scientific organizations concede to the scientific evidence on GMO safety:

American Association for the Advancement of Science
American Medical Association
World Health Organization:
National Academy of Sciences
The Royal Society of Medicine
The European Commission
American Council on Science and Health
American Phytopathological Society
American Society for Cell Biology
American Society for Microbiology
American Society of Plant Biologists
Union of German Academies of Sciences and Humanities
French Academy of Science
Transgenic Plants and World Agriculture
Society of Toxicology
Society for In Vitro Biology
Crop Science Society of America
International Society of African Scientists
International Society of African Scientists
Council for Agricultural Science and Technology
International Seed Federation. 

Now, what do you think is more likely? That Monsanto bought off nearly the entire global community of scientists in the field despite being an order of magnitude smaller than the Big Oil companies who couldn't buy off those same scientific organizations? Or that the science behind GMOs is valid and that claims to the contrary are simply part of a flood of misinformation propagated in support of an ideology which is not supported by scientific evidence? 

The Credible Hulk