Tricia Braid

Mar 24, 2015  |  Today's News

Here’s an updated look at the projections for the 2014-15 corn crop supply and demand in Illinois. We also have an image of the projected corn crop for the 2015-16 marketing year. Click the link above for all the details.

All data for 2014-15 is credited to ProExporter.

2014-15 Crop Year (Sept-Aug)

Carry in                          115 million bushels

Yield                               200 bu/ac

Production                      2,350 billion bushels

Use                                 2,281 billion bushels

Total Use in state            1.2 billion bushels

Feed use (in-state)                   113 million bushels

          Dairy                     8 mil bu

          Beef cattle             8 mil bu

          Hogs                     86 mil bu

          Poultry                  8 mil bu

          Other                    2 mil bu

Processing (in-state)       934 million bushels

          Wet mill ethanol    151 mil bu

          Dry mill ethanol     344 mil bu

          DDG production    2517 thousand metric ton

          DDG corn equiv     29 mil bu

Exported                         1.081 billion bushels