Tricia Braid

Oct 15, 2015  |  Today's News


Social media has become an important tool for farmers in today’s technology-savvy world. Farmers are using platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, Reddit, and more to advocate for agriculture and the farming lifestyle. Social media is a key component in the Illinois Farm Families outreach. Illinois Corn Marketing Board is one of the supporting organizations behind IFF.

Just like individual farmers across the U.S., Illinois Farm Families® is using the same social media platforms to answer consumers’ questions about food and farming. In fact, social media drove 97 percent of Illinois Farm Families’ interactions with consumers.

In September, farmers and moms talking about hormones and antibiotics reached 639,380 consumers. An easy-to-read hormone graphic reached more than 50,000 people on Facebook without any advertising and the “Let’s Talk” video was viewed more than 4,500 times after being advertised on Facebook, Chicago Parent magazine and in an email to Chicago-area moms and influencers.

Engagement on Twitter increased 181 percent from August, and Facebook advertising with Chicago Parent magazine reached 60,000 people.

Still, social media isn’t the only tool in the Illinois Farm Families arsenal. In September, Lynda Gould’s article on her perspectives as a mom, veterinarian and farmer received more than 1,900 views on

Additionally, farmer Donna Jeschke and dietician Charlyn Fargo gave a presentation on GMOs to a group of 100 food and health professionals at the Illinois Food Safety Symposium.

To read more about Illinois Farm Families®, go to

Illinois Farm Families are Illinois farmers who support Illinois Farm Bureau, Illinois Pork Producers Association, Illinois Corn Marketing Board, Illinois Soybean Association, Illinois Beef Association and Midwest Dairy Association through farmer membership and checkoff programs. We are committed to having conversations with consumers, answering their questions about food, farmers and farming, and sharing what really happens on today’s Illinois family farms. More than 97 percent of Illinois farms are family owned and operated. We are passionate about showing consumers how we grow safe, healthy food for their families and ours.