Tricia Braid
We need your action before 9am on March 1 to prevent a new GMO labeling law from taking effect on July 1, 2016.
Please call Senator Durbin and Senator Kirk by 9am on March 1 and ask them to support the Senator Roberts' GMO food labeling bill.
Senator Dick Durbin -- 202-224-2152
Senator Mark Kirk -- 202-224-2854
The House of Representatives passed the Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act (H.R. 1599) on July 23, 2015. We need the Senate to follow suit and pass a bill now!
A yes vote from Senators Durbin and Kirk will help prevent a confusing state-by-state approach to food labels. This so-called patchwork labeling will increase food costs to everyday Americans. A new study released last week shows that the average family's grocery bill would increase by more than $1000 a year.
Again, please call Senator Durbin and Senator Kirk by 9am March 1 and ask them to vote yes on Senator Roberts' GMO labeling bill.