Tricia Braid
The Illinois Corn Marketing Board, through a corn checkoff investment, supports Illinois Farm Families, the coalition effort of ICMB, ISA, IPPA, IBA, MDA, and ILFB. Coming in April and May you’ll see IFF focusing on GMOs as a hot topic for education and discussion. In March the topic was animal welfare.
So how does IFF engage with consumers? There are many ways, and farmers like you are a huge part of the program.
“Farmers of Illinois” series launched
“Farmers of Illinois” is a new series launched on Instagram that introduces Illinois farmers to consumers by using photos and personal perspectives on farming practices and ideologies received more than 370 positive reactions on social media without advertising. #FarmersOfIllinois posts will continue to share Illinois agriculture on Instagram and Facebook. This program was inspired by the hugely successful “Humans of New York” series on social media.
New Let’s Talk video released
“Let’s Talk Animal Welfare,” the third video in a five-part series, features Illinois farmer and veterinarian Lynda Gould answering consumer questions about animal care. The video has more than 10,000 views. You can watch the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUWeHDC4tOs
The next “Let’s Talk” video will feature IL Corn board member Grant Noland speaking about GMOs and sustainability issues.
Facebook fan base doubled
Year over year, the IL Farm Families facebook page has nearly doubled its fan base, now numbering over 11,000.
City Moms and influential dietitians tour local beef farm
Alan Adams welcomed a group of City Moms and dietitians to his cow-calf farm on March 19 to offer another perspective about the beef industry. Following the tour, all participants enjoyed a presentation from NCBA Chef Dave Zino about choosing and preparing different beef cuts. Here are some key takeaways: 1) 100% of tour attendees felt their questions on animal welfare were answered and more than 90% felt their questions were answered about hormones and antibiotics, 2)One tour participant shared this after the tour: "I now understand the point of using hormones in beef cattle. The hormone use can more efficiently add lean weight to the cattle safely.”