Lindsay Mitchell

May 25, 2016  |  Today's News

Many factors contribute to the ebb and flow of corn leaving the U.S., including weather factors like the drought in 2012 (when the U.S. didn’t have corn to sell overseas!), economic factors like the strength of the dollar compared to other world currencies, and biotechnology acceptance around the world.

Another important factor is that the U.S is lacking trade agreements with so many countries, compared to other countries and their number of trade agreements. It puts us at a significant disadvantage in the global marketplace.

During World Trade Month, we are trying to draw attention to the fact that U.S. agriculture needs trade.  And the world needs the products that U.S. agriculture can provide.

Passage of key trade agreements, like the Trans Pacific Partnership which is already negotiated and awaits Congressional approval, can only benefit both the U.S. and all the growing populations around the world.

No matter which factors are most to blame in any given year, the above video shows us how much of the world corn market the U.S. has lost over the years.  That equates to lost jobs, lost income, and lost economic development for our country and our rural economies.