Lindsay Mitchell
On November 8, 2016, Illinois has a chance to protect transportation funding once and for all.
There will be a Constitutional Amendment on the ballot that would require all transportation-related revenue to be dedicated solely to public highways, roads, streets, bridges, and mass transit. IL Corn supports this amendment to preserve transportation funding that was raised to be reinvested in our infrastructure.
Over the last 10 years alone, $6 billion has been swept from Illinois’ Road Fund because of waste and mismanagement in Springfield.
If the Amendment passes, transportation funding will be secured, and we will have the chance to make long overdue investments in our infrastructure.
If the Amendment fails, money for transportation will continue to be at risk of mismanagement and abuse by Springfield.
Aging infrastructure hurts the economy, making it difficult to attract and retain businesses. Raiding transportation funding has cost Illinois nearly 5,000 jobs over the last decade.
This Amendment does NOT raise taxes. It simply requires money meant for transportation, to be spent on transportation. Voting Yes will hold Springfield accountable, preventing them from sweeping money out of the Roads Fund.
Get the facts on this important Constitutional Amendment to preserve transportation funding here.