Taylor McDonald

Aug 25, 2017  |  Today's News |  Conservation

Illinois Corn Growers Association is offering farmers free water testing at the Farm Progress Show.

The testing identifies a nitrate level in the water sample provided. The process is free of charge and the results will remain confidential.

Those interested in participating should bring 8oz sample(s) from farm tile lines, a pond, stream, or other water sources to the Illinois Corn exhibit at booth #605. Participants will receive on-the-spot information regarding the nitrate level in the water sample. No names or nitrate levels are recorded.

This information is important for farmers to know as they consider best management practices that will help manage nutrients. One water test is just a snapshot in time. Accumulating results from several tests over the course of many months can help guide management decisions.

If one cannot participate in the free testing at Farm Progress Show or would like to have additional samples tested, please email Travis Deppe, IL Corn Nutrient Loss Reduction Manager at Testing by appointment is available at the IL Corn office in Bloomington.

For a full list of water testing locations, visit

Sampling Instructions

  • Sample containers should be clean and free of any residual chemicals or detergents.
  • Samples need to be at least 8 ounces.
  • Samples should be taken as close to the testing time as possible (preferably within 48hrs) and be kept refrigerated if not being tested the same day.
  • An estimate of flow will allow additional calculations -- simply record the number of seconds it takes to fill up a 5-gallon bucket or another container of known volume.​​​