Shelby Carlson
The United States Grain Council uses a Facebook account, Growing the 2017 U.S. Corn Crop, to update the world about the process of the corn crop in the United States. The USGC is asking photos, videos, and farmer stories be shared with them so they can use them to help update the world. Those who wish the share their progress can post their content to the Facebook page or email it to
The Facebook page provides information on the progress on crops around the country. Pictures provided by other followers allow those around the country and world to compare their crops and see just how the growing season is going. Additionally, drought and emergence maps can be found that provide information about the corn crop across the country.
Like the Facebook page by clicking on the link above and stay up to date with the latest information about the United States Corn Crop. Join in the updates and share your crop photos as well. Growers and buyers all over the world want to know how the Illinois corn crop is doing. Show of your pictures and keep them informed.
See the full story at
Have corn or farm pictures that are too good not to share? Feel free to share them with the Illinois Corn Interns for use on social media at or