Lindsay Mitchell

Jan 29, 2018  |  Today's News |  ICMB |  Livestock |  Public Outreach

State beef councils continue to step up to extend digital advertising and promotion for beef across the country and this continues to be a priority area of investment for the Illinois Beef Association with assistance from the Illinois Corn Marketing Board. Focusing on the “Beef 101” YouTube videos from the Beef Checkoff program, they are delivering a message about beef’s nutrition, versatility, and ease-of-preparation to a more specific – but very critical – audience.
The campaign is designed to reach millennial parents ages 25-34 and was launched in late May 2017 and ran through late September 2017. The campaign had two goals: to reach as many target consumers in Michigan, Missouri, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, and Kansas as possible and to get parents of young children to include beef in more meals by helping them see how beef’s versatility and unique combination of nutrients gives each member of the family what they need to get through the day. In total, the campaign generated more than 2.5 million video views with Illinois (including the greater Chicago area) generating the most, comprising 41% of total video views.

“We’re pleased to extend the messages to the consumers in Illinois we’re trying to reach and greatly appreciate the Illinois Corn Marketing Board’s support,” said IBA President Joni Bucher. “Results have been outstanding. The bottom line is we have a checkoff investment that is giving us a chance to generate tremendous visibility for beef as well as quantifiable touchpoints with those consumers who buy and prepare our product.”