Tricia Braid

Mar 09, 2018  |  Today's News |  ICGA |  Legislation & Regulation

Your soybean and corn growers associations need you to take action early this week, to tell President Trump that you need him to uphold his commitment to biofuels and the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS)!


In this joint call to action, we’re contacting members of the Illinois Soybean Growers and the Illinois Corn Growers Association about this threat to your farm’s profitability. We need you to get a message to the President that he shouldn’t cap our future by limiting biofuels demand.


In the coming days, the White House is attempting to force a deal between the biofuels industry and the refiners that would significantly harm the RFS by capping the price of Renewable Identification Numbers (RINs). As farmers know, RINs are the market mechanism that drives biofuels blending for ethanol and biodiesel. A cap on RIN values or RIN waiver credits would disrupt this market mechanism and take away the incentive to blend biofuels. ISG and ICGA stand firmly against any deal that would change RIN functionality. We stand in support of removing regulatory barriers to biofuels market access to improve demand for corn and soybeans, thereby improving farm profitability.


We are partnering with our national organizations, the American Soybean Association, the National Biodiesel Board, and the National Corn Growers Association to make your call to action heard and remind President Trump that the RFS is working and capping or waiving RIN prices will undercut the RFS and reduce demand for soybeans and corn.


Learn more about RINs, what they are and how reducing their prices would impact the biodiesel industry.


Learn more about RINs and how they impact the corn industry here: http://www.ncga.com/rfs


You can take action through NBB’s system here.


Participate in NCGA’s system here (scroll down and on the bottom right is the form to generate an email).


If you or someone in your farm family has a Twitter account, we encourage you to Tweet at the President to gain attention over the weekend. Sample tweets below.


  1. @RealDonaldTrump soybean and corn farmers need you to keep your campaign promise and protect the #RFS by opposing RIN caps! #RFSworks
  2. RIN caps = #biodiesel and #ethanol demand destruction @ReadDonaldTrump protect the #RFS and oppose RIN caps. #RFSworks
  3. #Rural economies depend on demand for #soybean oil for biodiesel and corn for ethanol. RIN caps will destroy biofuels demand. @RealDonaldTrump, support rural America, oppose RIN caps. #RFSworks
  4. President @realDonaldTrump - Let the RIN market work because the #RFSWorks for my family and my country.
  5. President @realDonaldTrump - Remove blending barriers to lower RIN prices and allow the #RFSWorks


Questions: Contact Tricia Braid at ICGA (309) 830-3393 or Mike Levin at the ISG (309) 808-3606