Lindsay Mitchell

Nov 21, 2018  |  Today's News |  Legislation & Regulation

The Illinois Corn Growers Association is offering a new service to members and non-members that want to be a part of our advocacy team.


Anyone that wants to help can text ILCORN to 52886 and be automatically signed up to receive free and easy opportunities to engage with our association.  Or, just click here.


Advocacy has changed.  Certainly, you’ve seen changes in the way news is reported, in the way decisions are made by U.S. agencies and Congress, in the way our own President uses social media.  If farmers want to be agents of change, they must adapt and use new technologies to advocate for their positions on important topics. 


ICGA wants to help you do that.




THANK YOU for joining us.  THANK YOU for being a part of the solution. 

THANK YOU for adding volume to your voice by joining the ICGA Advocacy Team.