Lindsay Mitchell
Bloomington, IL – The Illinois Corn Growers Association’s 2018 Excellence in Media Award was given to Mike Adams, a radio broadcaster of the syndicated program Adams on Agriculture, at the ICGA Annual Meeting today at the Marriott Hotel and Conference Center in Normal. The award is given each year to an individual who promotes Illinois agriculture and, specifically, Illinois corn and corn farmers, through their coverage in traditional media or through their engagement on social media.
“We are happy to offer this recognition to Mike Adams,” said Aron Carlson, ICGA President and Winnebago, IL farmer. “In previous years, we were so pleased with Mike’s promotion of ethanol and his coverage of ethanol issues during his Ethanol Pump Tour on AgriTalk. More recently, our board has been impressed with his coverage on Adams on Agriculture. We believe he has the best interests of our farmer members at heart and has a passion for promoting our industry.”
Adams began his broadcasting career at WLDS in Jacksonville in 1974. As the station’s farm director, he covered agriculture on a local, state and national level for 27 years. In 2001, Adams became the host of the nationally syndicated radio program AgriTalk. Earlier this year, he started Adams on Agriculture, a daily discussion of issues important to farmers and to rural America.
Adams is a past president of the National Association of Farm Broadcasting and a past recipient of the National Farm Broadcaster of the Year Award. Earlier this month, Adams was inducted into the National Association of Farm Broadcasting Hall of Fame.
He and his wife Patty live in Jacksonville.