Tricia Braid

Apr 10, 2019  |  Today's News |  Ethanol |  Legislation & Regulation

The U.S. EPA held a hearing today in Michigan last week to hear comments on their rule that would allow for year-round sales of E15. Corn farmers participated in that hearing, but so did ethanol opponents! We need you to add your voice to this issue. 

Illinois Corn Growers Association has a simple, seamless process to facilitate your comments being officially submitted to federal register for EPA's consideration. Click the link below and follow the instructions. We have sample comments already prepared for your use. If you'd like, you can click into the box to edit the sample comments or add additional information. This is not necessary, however.

If it is your first time using this system, you will need to enter your full name, address, and other information. This is a requirement of the federal processes that make your comment legitimate for consideration. If you've already used this comment submission system and your settings allow your information to be saved, you will not have to enter your personal information again. 

Thank you for adding your voice to the anticipated tens of thousands of comments that will be received on the issue of year-round sales of E15.


Click here to submit your comments.