Tricia Braid
Along with other members of the U.S. agriculture industry, the Illinois Corn Growers Association encourages you to keep in mind the importance of biosafety protocol to take specific precautions against the spread of African Swine Fever Virus (ASFV). Trade teams and missions overseas remain vital parts of our global outreach, however we must work to ensure that travelers do not put the U.S. livestock industry at risk or become vectors for spread of this deadly disease.
Based on recommendations from the National Pork Board and the National Pork Producers Council, we suggest travelers this year to take common-sense precautions.
Specifically, IL Corn will:
- Regardless of origin, destination or purpose, all trade teams and missions will follow a U.S. Grains Council protocol in 2019, and all team members will be required to sign a document indicating they have read and will abide by the Council’s biosecurity policy.
- The Council and IL Corn will not schedule any team visits to swine operations in the United States in 2019.
- Teams coming from ASFV-affected countries will not be allowed to visit any livestock farms or operations during their travel in the United States.
The swine industry is the top livestock consumer of corn in Illinois, consuming more than 80% of Illinois corn that stays in state to feed livestock. Biosecurity measures like these aren’t just the right thing to do, they’re the most economical thing to do, too.