ICGA Supports Availability of Neonicotinoids
Lindsay Mitchell
ICGA Supports Availability of Neonicotinoids
In comments to the EPA today, the Illinois Corn Growers Association supported the registration of neonicotinoids, a commonly used class of pesticides.
Over the past decade, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has conducted an extensive registration review for neonicotinoids. ICGA supported the use of the products then as did many others, submitting thousands of pages of materials supporting the efficacy and safety of neonicotinoids when used according to label.
Now, the Natural Resources Defense Council has submitted a petition, asking the EPA to revoke all tolerances for the neonicotinoid class of pesticides, ignoring the work and submissions over the last decade. In addition, AgInfomatics published a 2015 study where they found that the costs to farmers would increase $848 million annually while yields declined.
In the comments, William Leigh, President of the ICGA, said, “Our members are invested in safe, effective pest control. Without access to this class of pesticides, farmers could be forced to rely on higher quantities of less effective products. Illinois corn farmers do not want to see that happen.”
Click here to read the comments in their entirety.
ICGA routinely submits comments to public dockets in support of Illinois corn farmers. This is yet another way that an ICGA membership works for its members.