Save the Date: IL Corn Growers Association Annual Meeting on November 23

Lindsay Mitchell

Nov 03, 2021  |  Today's News |  ICGA

The IL Corn Growers Association is excited to hold their 2021 annual meeting on November 23rd at the Interstate Center in Bloomington, IL. After holding the meeting virtually last year, the format will return to an in-person gathering with a change in locations to allow for more space for leaders, members, and guests.


“We are anxious to reconnect with our membership in-person after so much time apart,” says Randy DeSutter, President. “The format will allow for appropriate spacing for all but will be conductive to the sort of conversations that have guided our organization for the last 49 years.”


The business session of the meeting will be a time to confirm the decisions of the association over the past year, receive crucial updates from the corn checkoff and national partners, and review the association’s financials.


In addition, the ICGA board looks forward to celebrating the contributions of individuals who have made a difference in our conservation, public relations, and ethanol goals during the awards ceremony.


Following the business session, members are invited to hear from experts in the industry, who will share expertise on disease pressures in corn in 2021, lock and dam upgrades, rural mental health concerns, and fertilizer supply chain challenges. For a full agenda of 11/23 click here.


If you cannot make it to the ICGA Annual Meeting this year, please don’t forget to submit your proxies! And regardless of your attendance intentions, don’t forget to complete the annual ICGA policy survey which should have arrived in your mailbox in late October, or can be accessed electronically here


We look forward to seeing you there!!