Fall Covers for Spring Savings Sign Up Opens December 15 at 8 am
Lindsay Mitchell
The Fall Covers for Spring Savings program sign up will open on December 15 at 8 am and close on January 15, 2023. Historically, acres fill up within hours of the program’s opening, so don’t delay submitting your application for this important insurance premium discount program.
Applications are available here after December 15.
The program is offered by the Illinois Department of Agriculture to farmers who have planted cover crop acres in the fall 2022. These farmers are eligible for a $5 per acre insurance premium discount on their 2023 crop insurance invoice for every acre of cover crop enrolled and verified in the program.
If the program is full before your application is submitted, please continue to apply. With proof that more farmers are interested and more cover crop acres are eligible, the program can continue to grow each year.
What you need to apply:
- Current FSA 578 with verified cover crop acres
- Crop insurance policy number
- Acres of cover crops seeded to each field
- Farm, tract, common land unit (CLU)/Field#
- Legal description of fields/acres seeded to cover crops in fall 2022
Who can help:
- Your local Soil and Water Conservation District Office
- IDOA Bureau of Land and Water Resources
For more information on eligibility, requirements, and the answers to frequently asked questions, please visit the IDOA Fall Covers for Spring Savings website.
IL Corn is proud to be a founding partner of this important conservation program.