Ted Delicath

Jun 07, 2013  |  Today's News

Your job, your income and your land will be affected by the Farm Bills in both the House and Senate. Find out how by clicking on the link above!

The Senate Farm Bill: S. 954 Agriculture Reform, Food and Jobs Act of 2013

Yesterday morning, the Senate voted 75-22 to invoke cloture on the farm bill with both Senators Durbin and Kirk voting in favor of the motion. Last night the Senate recessed for the week. At which time, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid set a vote on the farm bill for 5:30 p.m. on Monday. A full list of amendments already voted on can be found here.It remains unknown whether or not additional amendments will be considered. Because of the significant impact the Senate Farm Bill can have, please remain engaged and be alert for additional information we may send out.

The House Farm Bill: H.R. 1947, the Federal Agriculture Reform and Risk Management (FARRM) Act of 2013

The House Committee on Agriculture passed the FARRM Act by a vote of 36-10. Representatives William L. Enyart (IL-12), Cheri Bustos (IL-17), and Rodney Davis (IL-13) represent Illinois on the committee and voted in favor of moving the FARRM Act out of committee. Currently it appears that the FARRM Act will probably make its way to the floor during the week of June 17 th. Less is known about potential amendments to the House version of the Farm Bill, but specificity aside, there is expected to be a large number of amendments ranging from those in support and those against a federal Farm Bill. Again, the House’s Farm Bill contains an array of provisions that will have a significant impact on the current federal farm policy. In view of this it’s necessary that you continue to pay close attention to the ongoing process and lobby your representatives if necessary.

Agriculture, unlike any other sector in the U.S. economy, provides such an essential commodity to the world. In the absence of effective farm policy, US food security is put in jeopardy. Inaction from Congress on the Farm Bill will produce a ripple effect of negative consequences that hurt US farmers and consumers. To protect the farmers that ensure US food security, it is vital that we band together and demand Congress shelves their ideological differences in order to do what is best for the American people—pass a Farm Bill.

Illinois Corn Growers Association (ICGA) President Paul Taylor agrees.

“ICGA is encouraged by the strong showing of bi-partisan support on the cloture vote in the Senate. With that being said, we move forward with tempered optimism and call on both the Senate and the House to prioritize the American people by taking swift action on both their bills,” Taylor said.