Tricia Braid

Mar 20, 2014  |  Today's News

Illinois Corn appreciates all of you that made phone calls to Congress and the White House, and the more than 1,000 of you that sent comments to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency back in January, urging everyone to stay “Hands off the RFS.” The Renewable Fuel Standard has meant a strong corn demand picture and over 28,000 jobs in agriculture since its implementation back in 2005. The fight for the RFS isn’t over. Your voice is still needed!

The comment period for putting in your two cents regarding EPA’s plan to limit ethanol in this country expired on January 28, 2014. However, pressure can be put on Congress and also the White House to impact EPA’s decision.

Big Oil hasn’t turned their back on ethanol’s threat to their bottom line.

And you shouldn’t turn your back on Big Oil’s threat to yours.

Take a look at this television ad that will run in the Washington, DC area this weekend during the morning news programs. And then mark your calendar to call your elected officials and remind them to leave the RFS alone.

Remember: Ethanol is Cheaper Than Gas: According to research conducted by economics professors at the University of Wisconsin and Iowa State University: In 2011, ethanol reduced wholesale gasoline prices by an average of $1.09 per gallon. Regular grade gasoline prices averaged $3.52 per gallon in 2011, but would have been closer to $4.60 per gallon without the inclusion of more than 13 billion gallons of lower-priced ethanol.  Since 2000, ethanol has kept gasoline prices an average of $0.29 per gallon cheaper than they otherwise would have been.  Based on the $0.29-per-gallon average annual savings, ethanol has helped save American drivers and the economy more than $477 billion in gasoline expenditures since 2000 – an average of $39.8 billion a year.

‘Bottom Line’ ad: