Ethanol is the fastest growing corn market.
The IL Corn Growers Association tackles legislative barriers to a growing ethanol market, like moving the E10 tax savings to E15 in Illinois to give consumers an additional financial incentive to fuel up with E15. Additionally, ICGA is working diligently for the passage of Next Generation Fuels Ac, which would allow ethanol to be an important part of a new fuel standard, and for expanded ethanol trade.
The IL Corn Marketing Board is updating ethanol infrastructure so that when the legislative barriers are removed, we’re ready to fuel up Illinois! ICMB also promotes your fuel through programs with local retailers.
Statehouse Update: Carbon Capture Law Delivers Opportunity for Ethanol & Protects Landowners
As the legislative session adjourned this week, lawmakers in Springfield passed legislation that creates strong regulations for carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) projects in Illinois. IL Corn...
MoreCarbon Capture Law Delivers Opportunity for Ethanol & Protects Landowners
MoreGlobal Markets Fuel Illinois: 3 Trade Facts You Need to Know
International trade drives the United States economy. The United States is the second largest exporter in the world and thrives with access to export markets. As we celebrate May as World...
MoreOld Data Could Limit Illinois’s Economy and Export Potential
Accurate scientific modeling could play an important role in Illinois’s economic impact. Agriculture is poised to contribute larger financial gains for the state based on its capacity to...
MoreGREET Model is Key for Science-Based Climate Policy
If America’s goal is truly to decarbonize the transportation sector, the rules by which we determine which practices and products will accomplish the goal must be based on sound science. On...
MoreA Farmers Guide to the GREET Model
The Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory’s GREET model is catching the eyes of not only airlines and policy gurus, but also midwestern corn farmers. The model is critical to...
MoreNew GREET Model Will Limit Availability of Cleaner Jet Fuel in the Short Term
Illinois corn farmers are very concerned by the announcement from the U.S. Department of Treasury (USDOT) limiting corn-based ethanol's contribution to the decarbonization of the aviation...