Exports are a growing opportunity. 


Making export growth a priority extends to the locks and dams priority (we need adequate infrastructure to move grain) and the ethanol priority (ethanol exports is a growing market). "Exports" is the place where many of our programs overlap.


IL Corn works with several important partners to accomplish our international export goals, including:

The Illinois corn checkoff increased their investment in the U.S. Meat Export Federation in 2021. That investment is starting to pay off.

Beef and pork export volumes and values are increasing, allowing livestock farmers in the U.S. to grow more livestock and feed more corn. In 2020, beef and pork exports used 530.5 million bushels of corn. At an average annual price of $3.52/bushel, beef and pork exports accounted for $1.87 billion in market value to the corn industry.

American Agriculture Reaches Highest Annual Export Levels Ever Recorded

Lindsay Mitchell

February 18th, 2022  |  Today's News |  ICMB |  Exports

In case you forgot, American agriculture is a powerhouse. Here’s your reminder:   Final calendar year 2021 trade data published by the Department of Commerce earlier this month shows that the...
