Carbon Capture and Storage

IL Corn Policy

In an effort to further lower carbon intensity scores, IL Corn supports carbon capture from ethanol and agricultural industries, and the transportation of CO2 to areas with geological formations that can store the product in an environmentally safe and permanent manner. All aspects of the system must meet federal & state regulatory requirements and respect the rights of landowners and drainage districts. (1/23)

NCGA Policy

NCGA opposes any government action that would infringe upon property owner’s rights without appeal and proper compensation and opposes the unnecessary use of Eminent Domain to convert agricultural lands to other uses.


Educational Webinar Series

IL Corn facilitated conversations with professionals to share the answers to scientific, economic, safety, and legal questions regarding Carbon Capture and Storage. Watch the webinars and read the materials below for the most sought out information on CCS.

The Science of CCS


The Economics of CCS

Farmer CCS FAQ

Enviromental attorney Lauren Lurkins recaps her series "The Crossroads of Carbon and Corn" and address farmers's most frequently asked questions about carbon capture and storage. 


Why Carbon Capture & Storage Technology?

  • Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) technology significantly reduces carbon emissions from ethanol production. CCS technology when coupled with sustainable farming practices brings corn-based ethanol’s overall Carbon Intensity (CI) score to near or below zero, equal to or better than the CI score of electric vehicles.
  • CCS technology becomes a necessary tool to protect and grow the ethanol market for Illinois corn farmers.
  • Using CCS technology for ethanol production will open many new opportunities for ethanol in domestic and international low carbon fuel markets, bolster investment in existing production facilities and better position the industry to pursue new market opportunities like Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF).
  • Illinois is well-positioned to capitalize on CCS technology due to our state’s geology and proximity to the ethanol industry.

Illinois Impact, By the Numbers

  • The ethanol industry in Illinois uses more than 700 million bushels of corn per year, or about 30 percent of Illinois corn production.

CCS Safety

  • CCS is an array of technologies aimed to securely capture and store CO2 within Illinois's unique geological structure. 
  • Injection wells must receive a Class VI Well Permit from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to begin a carbon storage operation. The permitting process is rigorous and evaluates all aspects of the injection well site operation to ensure it has the physical features and monitoring techniques to ensure safety.

More about CCS Technology in Illinois

  • Central Illinois includes a geological feature called the Illinois Basin, which is a large rock formation underground with different layers that includes the Mt. Simon Sandstone Saline Reservoir about 1.5 miles below the surface. Above the porous Mt. Simon sandstone are several other layers of impermeable shale rock that are hundreds of feet thick, acting essentially as a cap on the sandstone reservoir area.
  • For 10+ years, ADM and the U.S. Department of Energy have tested and monitored two separate test wells drilled into the sandstone to store compressed CO2 from their ethanol plant in Decatur. The research demonstrates that Central Illinois is an ideal location for long-term CO2 storage.
  • Other companies are now pursuing injection well permits at the federal level. As the technology matures, the pure nature of the CO2 that comes from ethanol production could potentially be monetized and also used in other applications instead of being injected into storage.