Next Generation Fuels Act Would Significantly Lower Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Move to Higher Ethanol Blends


What is the Next Generation Fuels Act?

The Next Generation Fuels Act is a bill that is in Congress currently.  This bill would require that automakers phase in higher levels of clean, low-carbon octane by model year 2031.  


>> The higher the octane, the more efficiently the engine uses energy <<


As a clean octane standard, the bill requires that sources of additional octane result in at least 40% fewer greenhouse gas emissions than unblended gasoline and sets new limits on toxic hydrocarbon aromatics. Corn ethanol is an effective, low-carbon octane source, providing the greatest fuel efficiency gains at the least cost to drivers while reducing GHG and tailpipe emissions.


Read a break down of what the bill would mean and why it matters.

Next Generation Fuels Act Will

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