The IL Corn Marketing Board (ICMB) was established in 1982 to manage the voluntary checkoff investment that corn farmers in the state agreed to implement that year. The farmers that serve on the board are elected by their peers to serve unpaid three-year terms. These ICMB farmer leaders strategically invest Illinois corn checkoff dollars to grow demand, create new markets, and foster understanding of corn farmers and the corn industry, which is Illinois’ highest valued agricultural commodity. Find out more about the family farmers who contribute to the checkoff at

ICMB collects and administers the 7/8ths of a cent checkoff on each bushel of corn sold. The funds are used primarily for research, education, and promotion, following closely to our goals and mission statement listed below.  Each project funded by the ICMB relates directly back to the goal of protecting Illinois corn farmer profitability, whether by increasing market opportunities, increasing marketing price, or decreasing costs to the farmer, i.e. regulatory or input costs.

Illinois corn farmers, through ICMB checkoff dollars, also fund the U.S. Grains Council, U.S. Meat Export Federation, and the Poultry and Egg Export Council, leaders in overseas market development, the National Corn Growers Association which addresses domestic market development and research on a national scale and IL Farm Families which works to tell the story of Americas safe and abundant food supply.


2023 Meeting Dates

January 18 - 19 - Chicago

March 2 - 3 - Bloomington

June 8 - 9 - Bloomington

July 5 - 7 - tbd

August 23 - 24 - Bloomington


Chair -  Jon Rosenstiel, District 2

Vice Chair - Jeff Scates, District 15

Treasurer  - Tim Thompson, District 10 


Mission: Through strategic investment of Illinois corn check off dollars, grow demand, create new markets, foster understanding of corn farmers and the corn industry.