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Why Signing Up is Important
When a federal agency or Congress hears a similar concern from a substantial number of people, it puts pressure on them to take action. IL Corn has experienced, first-hand, Congressmen and Senators who take direct quotes from our messaging to committee meetings or debates on the floor. On occasion, elected officials will even reach out to constituents to thank them for sharing their experiences and position with them. This is our government operating as it should; citizens exercising their rights and politicians their privileges. IL Corn is honored to assist in this process!
What happens after I sign Up
When a high priority issue is up for vote, or a docket is opened for comments, IL Corn summarizes the issue giving consideration to how it will impact corn farmers in Illinois. This information is then shared in a text with a link. Typically the text will have a question and answer scenario for you to answer that automatically gets submitted to either a docket or your congressman.