It’s not too often that harvest might interfere with agriculture day at the Illinois State Fair, but that might just be the case for some of you this year. Tuesday, August 14 is Ag Day at the Fair. It’s a day when agricultural leaders of many commodity groups gather to touch base and catch up on each other’s activities.
You’ll see Illinois Corn at the Fair that day as we participate in events in the Commodities Pavilion and on the Illinois Department of Agriculture’s Director’s Lawn. We are sponsors of the Farmers Little Helpers exhibit just inside Gate 2. IL Corn also sponsors the Master Showmanship Contest. Listen to agricultural broadcasts from your local farm broadcaster to hear what’s on the mind of IL Corn leaders, including the issues we’re facing in DC and in Springfield.
No doubt, the lingering drought and its impacts will be on everyone’s mind. Be sure to send any photographs and updates from your farm that you’d like to share to our email address. Let’s hope that this is truly a once in a generation drought, as that is plenty often enough.