Sep 11, 2012  |  Today's News

Explosive land prices and higher cash rents have become significant dynamics in the current farm economy.  But will those forces continue on their present course or be re-directed by the 2012 drought?  Those issues and many more will be explored Wednesday, November 7, 2012 at a Land Value and Leasing Conference, scheduled for Decatur, IL sponsored by Farm Credit.

David Oppedahl, agricultural economist for the Federal Reserve Bank in Chicago, will key note the conference, speaking about the Cornbelt economy in 2013.  He will be joined by Purdue University economist Craig Dobbins who will assess the drivers of land prices and cash rents.  University of Illinois agricultural economist Gary Schnitkey will address the financial stresses that will be on agricultural operations in the coming growing season.  Economist Bruce Sherrick, also from the University of Illinois, will introduce a new database resource that will evaluate farmland purchases and returns.

The conference, scheduled from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., will open with concurrent breakout sessions. One session for land owners will address land purchase decisions, expected returns, and evaluating prospective operators.  A concurrent breakout session for operators will feature speakers discussing considerations before signing cash rent leases, getting the attention of owners, and competing with high cash rent bidders.   The conference will conclude with a panel discussion on the impact of the drought on land prices, cash rents, and creating a fair lease in 2013 for both owners and operators.

The conference, which is presented by AgEngage, is sponsored by Farm Credit, and will feature table top exhibitors with services related to farmland ownership, management, and leasing.

The conference will be held at the Decatur Conference Center and Hotel, 4191 W. Hwy. 36, Decatur, IL, 62522.  For more details and to pre-register, visit: