Lindsay Mitchell
This weekend, directors and county leaders for the Illinois Corn Growers Association (ICGA) will travel to Washington, DC to discuss key issues with their legislators like preserving the Renewable Fuels Standard, passing a five-year farm bill, and authorizing funding for locks and dam upgrades.
In addition, the group will visit more than 45 agencies and associations to discuss various issues of importance to Illinois corn farmers.
Nine teams will be circling Washington, DC focusing on farm bill, crop insurance, sustainability, ethanol, locks and dams, livestock, trade, biotechnology, and nutrient management. The teams will meet with USDA, EPA, RMA, Ag Committee staff, ethanol associations, livestock associations, embassies, environmental groups and more trying to gain knowledge and insight to position ourselves on the right side of all issues.
The teams will also work in visits to every member of the Illinois delegation, including our 18 Congressmen and 2 Senators, to discuss our legislative priorities and encourage action during the 113 session of Congress.
“Visiting Washington, DC, building and maintaining key relationships, creating leaders among our board of directors, and lobbying for our livelihood is one of the key functions of the Illinois Corn Growers Association,” said Paul Taylor, President of the ICGA. “Our members indicate that they belong to the association because they expect representation in Springfield and Washington, DC and this visit is central to that goal.”
The ICGA board will return Wednesday with reports on all visits, lists of follow up that is needed, and a better idea of how to have their voices heard in the halls of Congress in 2013.