Lindsay Mitchell

Oct 21, 2013  |  Today's News

Now completing its fifth year, the Corn Farmers Coalition continues to educate Washington, DC elected officials, agency staff, and think tanks about the value of corn farmers and corn production to the U.S.

The Corn Farmers Coalition is a group of fourteen state Corn Grower Associations and the National Corn Growers Association that seeks to inject a positive, fact-based, educational message about modern family corn farming into the ongoing dialogue in Washington.

In its fifth year, operating with a smaller budget due to the 2012 drought, the Corn Farmers Coalition ad campaign garnered 30 million media impressions in 2013.  We accomplished this through a combination of internet ads on popular political papers, as well as print ads in metro stations in Washington, DC.

In fact, CFC utilized the methods they helped to pioneer.  Station domination was utilized again this summer, meaning that CFC ads appeared in every available ad space in a given metro station, ensuring that metro users saw our messages.

Additionally, seventeen state Corn Grower Associations used CFC radio spots in their own states in 2013 and many other states used the concepts, messages, and images from the CFC campaign in their own way on print ads, trade show exhibits, and billboards.  All in all, we can be sure that this positive messaging about corn farmers was heard far outside Washington, DC.

This program continues to be a success for corn farmers in Illinois and the U.S.  Its solid foundation of positive messages about U.S. corn farmers has proven to be meaningful in the Washington, DC discussion.