Tricia Braid
Be sure to thank Senator Durbin (202) 224-2152 and Senator Kirk (202) 224-2854 for voting yes!
Illinois Corn Growers Association Vice-President, Kenny Hartman, a family farmer from Waterloo, IL, released the following statement in response to House and Senate Passage of the Agricultural Act of 2014.
“Passage of a new, five-year farm bill that provides a safety net for America’s family farmers that includes a continuation of the much-preferred crop insurance program has been the Illinois Corn Growers Association’s top priority for some time now.
“We’re pleased to see that both the Senate and House followed through in support of a strong crop insurance program. In our yearly survey of members, 84 percent reported to us that crop insurance is the most important government supported program available to them. Since it’s a public private partnership, meaning farmers have skin in the game, we think it’s a program that’s considerate of both the budget and the taxpayer’s investment.
“To paraphrase Senator Stabenow, when a farmer signs up for crop insurance, they get a bill, they don’t get a check. Nobody gets a crop insurance indemnity payment unless they’ve already suffered a loss, and even then, it’s after a deductible which represents in most cases a 15 to 20 percent loss up front. It works just like home owners insurance, you get a bill, you pay the bill, and the only time you see a check is when something big happens to your house.
“Both Senator Durbin and Senator Kirk voted for this bill. We’re aware that they received many calls and emails from our members, asking for passage of a new farm bill. We appreciate their yes votes.
“ICGA looks forward to the President’s signature on this bill so that corn farmers can get back to focusing on their farm work and their contributions to a safe and dependable food supply for our nation and the world.”