Tricia Braid
Today at the CME, July ethanol contracts are running 98 cents a gallon cheaper than RBOB gasoline, the base fuel used during summer months. That’s keeping gas cheaper at the pump, despite the turmoil in the Middle East. What would gas prices be if we included even more of the less expensive ethanol, say by using E15 or E85? The twenty percent price advantage should be visible at E85 pumps at these wholesale prices.
Find out more about E85 pricing at www.ilcorn.org/flexfuel.
Bringing attention to the issue of gas prices is Americans United for Change, a group that is funding a new national television campaign. The ads close the loop between Big Oil’s fight against ethanol and the Renewable Fuel Standard and oil prices.
The ads will start running ahead of the July 4th holiday weekend. The ad buy is worth $400,000. The ads will run in the Washington, D.C. area this Sunday during "Meet the Press," "Face the Nation," "This Week," "Fox News Sunday" and "60 Minutes." They will also run on MSNBC, CNN and FOX News next week. In addition, the group said it's planning an "aggressive digital media campaign."