Tricia Braid
Corn-based ethanol is battling for every gallon of use it can get. It’s no easy task given the entrenched misconceptions about this homegrown, renewable fuel. In Washington, DC, a Congressional effort led by Wisconsin’s Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner would completely repeal the RFS, removing the requirement for ethanol in our nation’s fuel supply. Contrast that effort at a federal level against a City effort in Chicago which would require E15. Will Chicago get done what Congress and EPA cannot?
Who will when the tug-of-war for the fuel market? Consumers and farmers or Big Oil and their deep pockets? In DC, it looks like Oil has a toe hold, although it might be called a draw. In Chicago, a hearing on Monday might give Big Oil the biggest setback they’ve had in years.
The Chicago City Council gets it. Ethanol means cleaner air. Ethanol means consumer choice. Ethanol means lower gas prices.
At 1pm on July 28, the Finance Committee of the Chicago City Council will hold a hearing regarding a proposed ordinance that would require gas stations in the City of Chicago to offer E15 fuel at every location.
We know you're looking at a large corn crop this fall, possibly setting another record. Prices and potential revenues are dropping below the cost of production. Developing new markets and increased demand for our corn crop is one answer to supporting corn demand and price.
Moving the fuels market from E-10 to higher blends such as E-15 is one of our goals and priorities.
We've heard that having farmers in attendance at the meeting would support a positive outcome.
If your calendar is free, please consider attending and bring your friends, family, and landlord with you.