Tricia Braid

Mar 10, 2016  |  Today's News

To meet the voluntary nutrient loss reductions expected by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency and the Illinois Department of Agriculture, Illinois corn farmers must take action on every acre. By implementing best management practices, you can reduce nutrient loss which not only protects water quality for all, it also protects your bottom line. What’s Your Strategy? Before you can put your best plan in place, you really need to understand what you’re losing. That’s why we encourage farmers to participate in our IL Corn water testing program. It’s free and confidential.

Water testing site information is available at http://illinoiscbmp.org/Water-Testing/. You can also find out more at www.ilcorn.org/nutrientstrategy.

Sample Collection Instructions:

  • Sample containers should be clean and free of any residual chemicals or detergents.
  • Water samples need to be at least 8 ounces.
  • Samples should be taken as close to the testing time as possible (preferably within 48 hours)
  • Samples should be kept refrigerated if not being test immediately.
  • An estimate of flow will allow additional calculations (load in lbs/day) - simply record the seconds it takes to fill us a 5-gallon bucket (this would only apply to tile drain samples).
  • With the load calculation and an estimate of acres being drained, the lbs/acre/day can also be determined.