Lindsay Mitchell

Jul 15, 2016  |  Today's News

America's Watershed Initiative (AWI) Project Lead Dr. Heath Kelsey, of the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, will provide the kickoff address for the 2016 Raise the Grade conference, Oct. 13-14.

The AWI Report Card shared the shortcomings of the Upper Mississippi River in such a way that it is clear - broad-based collaborative action is needed to make the improvements at scale required.  Underinvestment in infrastructure and programs related to water in the Upper Mississippi System for decades is obvious.  New, different, creative and alternative approaches will be required to get the results needed.

The Report Card measures six broad goals for America’s Watershed – Ecosystems, Flood Control & Risk Reduction, Transportation, Water Supply, Economy, and Recreation. The Report Card measures how well we are currently meeting each one of these goals, using real data and relevant information that was identified by experts in these fields. Over time, as we adapt our management strategies for the Mississippi River watershed, the Report Card can track our progress in achieving our objectives.

Dr. Kelsey’s address at the Upper Mississippi River Raise-the-Grade Conference will explain the findings of the report card and will begin to investigate solutions. 

The conference is overall about grass roots collaborative action.  Water solutions in the Upper Mississippi River are multidisciplinary, are fundamentally complex, and will involve multiple interests and stakeholders all pulling together to ensure water security for future generations that will benefit both people and nature. 

Mark your calendar for the Upper Mississippi River Raise-the-Grade Conference on October 13-14, 2016 in the Quad Cities.  Click here to register!