Taylor McDonald
IL Corn supports the work of the USDA and encourage farmers to fill out the surveys that are sent out throughout the year. These surveys have a signficant impact on understanding the state of the farm industry and what programs are needed. Additionally, these surveys help establish important data points that organizations like us use. Without enough answers, the USDA and other organizations simply won't be able to get a good picture. So here are upcoming surveys that we encourage you to fill out:
Upcoming Nass Surveys
Cash Rents
The annual Cash Rents and Leases Survey helps the FSA and other USDA agencies develop and administer federal farm programs by asking producers about average cash rental rates in their area. Many payment programs rely on the Cash Rents and Leases survey to provide an accurate picture of market conditions in individual counties. The Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) in particular uses the results of this survey to develop market values for land enrolled in the Farm Service Agency’s CRP program.
Sheep and Goats
This annual survey asks collects information on sheep and goats, as well as lambs and kids born during the previous year. NASS conducts the survey nationwide and will mail the survey to approximately 23,000 sheep and goat opera¬tors. The Sheep and Goats survey also asks about produc¬tion and prices received for wool and mohair.The survey results, released January 31, 2017, help the industry be more responsive to domestic and internation markets and consumer needs.
The Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS) is a three-phase survey conducted each year jointly by NASS and USDA’s Economic Research Service. ARMS focuses on the economic well-being and financial infor¬mation of farming households. The resulting information is used by producers, buyers, suppliers, policymakers, and others. ARMS is a major component in helping non-farm¬ers understand farming concerns.
January Cattle
NASS conducts the Cattle Survey in January to collect in¬formation on inventory of beef and dairy cattle, calf crop, and cattle on feed operations. This survey is conducted in every state, and surveys about 40,000 cattle operations. The Cattle Survey is used by producers to determine production and marketing strategies, and to plan capital invetsments. NASS will release the results of the survey on January 31, 2017 in the Cattle publication.
December Agricultural Survey:
Acreage, Production, and Stocks
The December Agricultural Survey results are critical as they will be combined with the County Agricultral Pro¬duction Survey (CAPS) data and used to calculate county yields. USDA uses these yields to administer programs such as Agricultural Risk Coverage (ARC), Price Loss Coverage (PLC), and other insurance and disaster miti¬gation programs. The results of the December Agricultral Survey will be published in the Crop Production Annual Summary, and quarterly Grain Stocks reports on January 12, 2017.
Potato Acreage and Disposition
This survey seeks to understand the quality and size of the potato crop. Farmers are asked acres planted and harvest¬ed, total production, and prices received. The results of the Potato Acreage and Disposition survey will be pub¬lished to both monthly Crop Production and Annual Crop Production reports.
Want to receive the results of these surveys as soon as they are published?
Sign up at and you’ll be added to our data release e-mail list.