Lindsay Mitchell
Last week, the National Corn to Ethanol Research Center (NCERC) celebrated 15 years of biorenewables research. For corn, that means 15 years of corn-based ethanol research with every ethanol plant in the U.S. using at least one of NCERC’s developed technologies.
NCERC was established in the Research Title of the 1997 Farm Bill to support the development and commercialization of new technologies and products for the corn to ethanol industry.
In the early days of research, most of the funding NCERC utilized was public funding. Today, the center generates 90% of its funding through contracts with the private sector.
More than 65 technologies commercially available in the marketplace originated with work done at NCERC. The center has created more than 5,000 jobs and has generated in excess of $5.6 billion of annual revenue.
NCERC is a success story that corn farmers can be proud of. NCERC is a center for Illinois to be proud of!
Thank you to the corn checkoff and the farmers with foresight to see and understand the need for commitment to the future of biorenewables research.