Primaries Are Next Week; ICGA Is Getting To Know Your Candidates

Lindsay Mitchell

Jun 23, 2022  |  Today's News |  ICGA |  Legislation & Regulation

congressional candidates pictured with ICGA staffPrimary elections are next week and if the campaign postcards and flyers in our mailbox are any indication, we’re in for an exciting evening on Tuesday night!


Your IL Corn Growers Association has been working hard to connect with as many candidates as possible. We hope to get to know them, better understand what motivates them and what their top issues are for citizens in Illinois and determine a path forward to advocate for farmers in the case that they are elected.


Over the past month, ICGA leadership has met with Dan Brady, candidate for Secretary of State; Esther Joy King, candidate for the new 17th Congressional District; Jonathan Logemann, candidate for the new 17th Congressional District.; Scott Gryder, candidate for the new 14th Congressional District; Nikki Budzinski, candidate for the new 13th Congressional District; and Regan Deering, candidate for the new 13th Congressional District.


Getting to know the people that represent you in Springfield, IL and Washington, DC is one way that we position the farmers of Illinois to grow.