Next Generation Fuels Act Is Next Generation Ethanol Demand
Lindsay Mitchell
BLOOMINGTON, Ill. – Today, the Next Generation Fuels Act, was introduced in the U.S. Senate. The bill will provide cleaner fuels through higher blends of ethanol for a new generation of vehicles that will be optimized to run on higher-octane fuel.
The high-octane standard established in the bill allows corn-based ethanol to contribute to a new clean fuel economy. Ethanol is the highest octane, cleanest burning, and least expensive of all the octane additives in the market today.
“Illinois corn farmers celebrate the introduction of the Next Generation Fuels Act because it levels the playing field and allows us to participate in the nation’s renewable energy future. We have long been concerned with policies that choose who wins and who loses in the renewable energy space. Farmers believe that the best policy allows all fuels that can meet the standard to compete – and we believe ethanol is poised to be an important piece of a green fuel future,” said Matt Rush, President of the IL Corn Growers Association and farmer from Fairfield, IL.
Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) led the bipartisan Senate reintroduction along with original co-sponsors, Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) and Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-Illinois).
The bipartisan support for this bill is significant in a divided Congress and signals support for the opportunity biofuels provide for our nation. IL Corn Growers Association is very pleased at the leadership from Senator Duckworth who, seeing the value in this legislation for all Americans, co-sponsored the bill. ICGA looks forward to the entire Illinois delegation considering support for the bill after its introduction in the U.S. House.
“This policy benefits everyone with cleaner air, lower greenhouse gas emissions, and cheaper fuel. It is also great for rural economies and automakers. New engines optimized to this new high-octane fuel will get more miles per gallon, and the increased fuel efficiency reduces emissions, makes driving cheaper, and creates an opportunity for automakers to more easily meet efficiency standards and carbon reduction goals,” Rush said.
The bill was introduced in the 117 session of Congress but was not brought to the floor of the House or the Senate. Illinois corn farmers are pleased to see the bill reintroduced in the 118 session of Congress and look forward to working with the Illinois delegation on passage of this important measure.