Meet IL Corn Marketing Board Chair Jon Rosenstiel
Tara Desmond
IL Corn is made up of two farmer-led organizations that serve corn farmers in Illinois: IL Corn Growers Association (ICGA) and IL Corn Marketing Board (ICMB).
As the newly appointed board chair of the IL Corn Marketing Board, Jon steps into a pivotal role that holds the key to guiding the organization toward future growth and success in the coming year. With a wealth of experience and a visionary outlook, Jon brings to the position a profound understanding of the challenges and opportunities within the corn industry.
Get to know Jon through a quick Q & A
Q: Can you share a brief overview of your background / farming operation?
Jon: I am the fourth generation to farm our family farm. After getting an Ag Business degree from Illinois State University, I was a Certified Crop Advisor with FS first in Piatt County then in Stephenson County. I was fortunate to be able to farm with my father for 3 years before he passed away, and continued the operation, expanding acres and diversifying into a beef cow/calf program. We currently raise corn, soybeans, and alfalfa. Most of our continuous corn is conventional tilled, while the rotated ground is minimum till or no-till. We have started doing strip till on some of the continuous corn. Soybeans are predominately no-till.
Q: What motivated you to volunteer your time and expertise as a board member for IL Corn?
Jon: I had spent several years on the Stephenson County Soil and Water Conservation Service Board and the Stephenson County Farm Bureau Board when I was approached by Lou Lameroux to see if I was interested in running for the District 2 director position on the IL Corn Marketing Board. It really intrigued me, and as I learned more about the role the Marketing Board plays in managing checkoff dollars, I saw it as an opportunity to be a part of a great organization.
Q: Can you describe a specific project or initiative you're passionate about on ICMB and how you envision it making a positive impact?
Jon: There are actually two areas that have caught my interest. The first is working on ethanol and the role the corn organizations play in promoting, supporting, and expanding the use of ethanol. The second is a new initiative to support community colleges in their role of training, developing, and expanding the agriculture workforce. I see a real opportunity to have an impact on the next generation of agricultural workers and leaders.
Q: If you were to tell non-board members one thing about the IL Corn Board(s) and what they do, what would it be?
Jon: Marketing, promoting, and representing Illinois corn and farmers is a continuous process that is always changing and facing new challenges. It is very important to keep on top of all that is occurring in order to maintain Illinois corn’s position as a valuable commodity in the U.S. and throughout the world.
Q: What message or advice would you like to convey to young people interested in pursuing a career in farming or agriculture, based on your own experiences and expertise?
Jon: Agriculture offers a wide variety of career paths for anyone that has the passion or desire to be involved. Be prepared to be flexible and open to new opportunities, since the job or career path you start on can lead you in a direction that you never imagined yourself taking.
Q: What is something most people don’t know about you?
Jon: My first real job was as the overnight grain dryer operator of a grain elevator in central Illinois while I was in college.
Learn more about the IL Corn Marketing Board. Want to get involved on a board or committee? E-mail us.